Regional Institute of Education (RIE), NCERT, Ajmer currently offers B.A.B.Ed., B.Sc.B.Ed., B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. programmes and Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling. Demonstration Multipurpose School (DMS) is also an integral part of the Institute and serves as a laboratory for carrying out research, practice teaching, experimentation and innovation in school education. Institute believes in aiding excellence to train prospective teachers and constantly sets the highest standards in providing quality education. RIE, Ajmer is continuously striving to perceive and maintain academic excellence while encouraging the students to participate in various activities such as literary, cultural, games & sports, science, NCC and NSS activities as National Education Policy 2020 also focuses on the development of the creative potential, cognitive, social, ethical, emotional capacities and dispositions of each individual. An amiable environment at the Institute nurtures innovation, creativity and leadership qualities among the students for their holistic development. The progress of an Institute depends primarily on the performance of the students in academics, community work, and different activities along with maintaining high values. Faculty members of the Institute are dedicated to the academic growth and holistic development of the students as well as the Institute. Other staff members contribute to achieving the vision, mission and goals of the Institute. Over the years, it has been observed that nurturing innovations and bringing about a qualitative change in school education and teacher preparations have been the salient features of the Institute.
I am quite sure that all of us will continue to innovate and remain committed to academic excellence to meet the current and future challenges of providing quality education to all.